
Open discussion by sharing views about Rastafari in order to come to a common understanding.

Saturday, 23 August 2014

Was Christ a dark skinned man?

This post does not aim to promote racism of any form, is it simply an evaluation to determine the historical person of Eyesus Christos. There may be other views which disagree with my analysis and draw upon different arguments and sources, I support everybody's right to do that and encourage healthy debate and discussion.

The Bible says regarding King Solomon, the son of David

(Songs of Solomon 1:5) Dark am I, yet lovely, daughters of Jerusalem, dark like the tents of Kedar, like the tent curtains of Solomon.

This indicates something about the line from which Christ came from being dark skinned.

The Kebra Negast says that when the Son of King Solomon, King Menelik I came from Ethiopia to Israel at the age of 18 to meet his father King Solomon, all the people who were working in the fields began to bow at his presence because they thought that the man coming was King Solomon himself. They saw that he so resembled his father in all aspects that they could not tell the difference.

Is it conceivable the King of Ethiopia was not a dark skinned man? Ethiopia is an ancient African Kingdom. Ethiopians are known for having dark skinned faces.

It stands to reason then that King Solomon must have resembled an Ethiopian, he must have been dark skinned, his father David therefore must have been dark skinned too. Eyesus Christos came from this line.

How could a fair skinned child have hidden in Egypt an African country, wouldn't it have been wiser to go to a different country?

The issue of Christs race means nothing regarding his life and work, he is the divine Word of God, who has no race. But when he incarnated and became man, he had to take a race through lineage (He was not transparent). The disciples never ever thought to add the fact that he was dark skinned to their message, it was wholly irrelevant.

Just stop and think for a second, have you ever heard anyone say what colour is David Beckham? what colour is Usain Bolt? No! you haven't because generally we expect that all who are alive during this time know their color and we count it as irrelevant to the point, we speak about their works not their colour,  Beckham for his passing ability, Usain Bolt for his speed.

The reason why this is not stressed in the Bible is because it has no importance, the message is about Eyesus coming, life, death and resurrection. A gospel of salvation for all mankind, it is above limitations of race, colors, geographical location and creeds, it is about all mankind equally sharing in the salvation of Eyesus Christos.

Sadly. some racist colonialists from Europe decided to make the issue of Eyesus Christos race of importance by depicting him in images and statues as European with blond hair and blue eyes, insisting that he was like them and could not have been dark skinned. They argued that blacks were an inferior race in order to give themselves justification to enslave Africans and deny them basic human rights, and treat them as animals, saying God would never incarnate as such an inferior race.

The devil inspired this doctrine of oppression and racism, it culminated in the racist movements of Hitler and Mussolini, which had started bubbling away many years before, this doctrine prevailed for a long time, until God raised up H.I.M Haile Selassie I, to throw down Italy the fascist dragon and begin abolishing this ideology which had kept the Africans in chains for so long.

The consciousness of this movement spread across the world and inspired many other freedom movements, liberation movements, gender rights and civil rights movements, the best of these being Rastafari which holds to his majesty's teaching and the repatriation element which seeks to return home to Africa.

This topic has been taboo for a long time because there are always those who feel that exploring this issue would bring about contention and would detract from the gospel of Eyesus Christos. But the truth is that the concept of Christos being depicted as a European with blond hair and blue eyes has alienated some who were the victims of the colonialism and they feel as if the european Christos is a tool to enslave the people, but this is not so and the myth must be dispelled with the truth while always upholding the message of love, tolerance, forgiveness and  peace. Rasta should hold to the principles of his Majesty in these areas. Love all people regardless.

Was Haile Selassie an Orthodox Christian?

The answer is yes, he was a faithful follower of the church, he was baptized by the church, he was coronated by the church, he worshiped at the church, he had his children baptized at the church, he defended the church, sought blessing from the church. He even placed his own coffin in the church, we he had built (even though it remains empty).

He trusted Eyesus Christos as his Lord and Saviour.

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

What is Rastafari?

To each his own, for some Rastafari is a religion, for others it is a faith, for others it is a social movement, for others it is a creed, for others it is a way of life, for others it is something else...for me personally Rastafari in its true form is an adherence to the priniciples of His Majesty, which ultimately lead man to christ.